Sunday, August 13

Extra Pics

I found some pics from early summer that I thought were worth posting...

Us at my house in Clarksville preparing for the drive.

We are officially in Virginia... woo hoo! Look at that mountain in the background!

Matt checking out our back porch.

This is for Caitlin. Our feet in Richmond.

The Canal downtown Richmond.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing here.

Matt's so strong ;)

The rocks at Belle Isle.

I wasn't quite as adventurous as that woman in the distance.

We saw "Thank you for Smoking" at the historic Byrd Theatre.

Interior shot.

Lobby shot.

And finally, we ate bbq at Double T's. Richmond is neato.


At Tue Aug 15, 03:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are enjoying the area.


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