Tuesday, July 11

happy one


At Tue Jul 11, 01:12:00 AM, Blogger malloryann said...

Come on Houston... bring on the "ewwww gross!" You too Caitlin ;)

At Tue Jul 11, 09:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's sweet. Love the poster.

At Wed Jul 12, 12:34:00 PM, Blogger laura rayburn said...

i'll give you both a dollar to stay together for another year (that's TWO dollars for TWO years!). C.O.D. payment plan!

At Thu Jul 13, 01:26:00 AM, Blogger niltiac said...

Aww, it's pretty cute. You guys obviously spent a while on this. It looks impressive. :-)

At Sun Jul 16, 12:36:00 PM, Blogger C. Houston Longino said...

I'm not going to say it...

At Mon Jul 31, 06:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. such cheesiness. nice though. Congrats guys! You two need to come back and visit.. not the same here. =\ BTW.. thanks for the postcard. =)

At Mon Jul 31, 06:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

^--- that's me. um, Mike

At Wed Aug 02, 03:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that a plate of olive oil at the restruant in Vicenza, that I saw there on the left side of that awsomely sweet photo montage. I think it was. I think I remember you taking that picture. Anyway congrats for making the 1 year!

At Thu Aug 03, 08:58:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

Hey Wes! Actually... it's a coaster ;) Matt thought the watery mark looked like my face... hehe.

At Sun Aug 06, 12:50:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well then, that water mark on that little picture sure does look like olive oil. I hope ya'll are having fun in Virginia. I went by the bank the other-day and it just felt so weird that you were not living across the street anymore.

If it makes you feel any-better it was like 109 degrees here today and so humid you bust into sweat instantly just by walking out the door.


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