Thursday, July 6

This place is a ZOO!

I see animals in Virginia that I never saw up close in Mississippi. It’s not like we have been nature hiking. We drove up here, and now I drive back and fourth to work. I walk everyday from the parking lot to my apartment and do the same at work. Having said all that...

Animals I have seen so far within 50 feet include: (No encounters were captured on film. Instead we have produced some artist renderings)

Bear cub – (1) running past the car in front of me and jumping a fence on the highway

Rabbits – (2) both in the Brittany Commons parking lot, just hoppin’ around!

Turkeys – (3) all on base in Dahlgren including a mother with baby close behind crossing close in front of me as I attempted to walk up to the side door at work.

Chipmunks – (2) both in Richmond, I was startled by what I thought was a miniature cat in a bush by the canal. This was because it had a wood chip too big for it’s mouth causing its cheeks to stick out, and because I cannot recall ever seeing a non-cartoon representation of a chipmunk before this in my life, so I really had no idea what I was looking at. Mal only got a glimpse, but was able to speculate that the creature was probably a chipmunk. The second encounter occurred later at Belle Isle. I said something like “I wanna see another chipmunk”, and a minute later...the second chipmunk (we'll call him Chipmunk 2) and his buddy the cardinal were horsing around in the forest in full view for Mal and me.

Deer - (specifically 1) ran out in front of my car and stopped. I know this happens all the time in Mississippi, but never before to me. Bambi is lucky there wasn’t a meeting of her grill and my Pathfinder’s.


At Fri Jul 07, 10:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, When you come back to Tennessee, Mallory is going to take you for a walk in our yard. hehe

At Fri Jul 07, 03:45:00 PM, Blogger C. Houston Longino said...

You've never seen a deer or a rabbit in MS? Also, if you're seeing bears, Virginia is pretty dangerous. Baloo is going to get into your apt one day.

At Sun Jul 09, 09:59:00 PM, Blogger matt said...

Turkeys people! Turkeys try to stop me from my entering my top secret bunker, until they see my badge that is. You may wonder why they use hyper evolved turkeys as guard dogs... just goes to show you how much more the man knows about turkeys than you do.


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