Wednesday, July 12

How's work?

My job is with the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Virginia. We live a little to the southwest Fredericksburg, VA, and I commute an hour each way to work everyday. The base at Dahlgren is an amazing place to work. Systems like the fleets Aegis Weapon Systems, Tomahawk Missile Systems and others have dedicated facilities on base. I was assigned to the Ground Based Midcourse Defense Program (GMD) Follow On Contract requirements Engineering Project (mouthful). The GMD system currently defends against the threat of ballistic missiles with interceptor missiles located in silos in California and Alaska. My project team is deciding on the capabilities the system will need to have to defend against future threats in order for us to define the 2008 contract. I have heard GMD described as the most complicated defense system ever, and all believe that it has a healthy future. I have heard the program mentioned by name at least 3 times on CNN in light of the current tests by North Korea. Having said all that, the project is just starting and I am so new, so I have hardly done any real work. The project is definitely very interesting, but I am getting so bored!

In other work news, I am very proud of Mal for getting a job doing graphics so quickly. I am very excited that her job is in Fredericksburg because I like the city so far, and I really want to get to know people here. I guess a second income is pretty nice too.


At Thu Jul 13, 09:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're proud of you both. The job sounds very complicated. One of these days they are going to hand you a pile of stuff to do and there will be no more boredom. Hang in there.

At Fri Jul 14, 03:15:00 PM, Blogger matt said...

That day has come! I actually left a meeting today with an action item assigned to my parner and me. I have also taken steps today to get into 2 masters classes for the fall and various other training classes. I will have plenty on my plate soon.


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