Tuesday, August 8

Look Closely

Friday morning when I arrived at work, Paul (my boss) and Rachel insisted that I needed to go to the bathroom. They are always playing harmless pranks so I try to stay on top of my game. After some coaxing, I agreed to check out the bathroom situation. In addition to the normal clever saying on the toilet lid... I was upset to find this poor guy (later named Stewie). Paul thinks he was prancing around on the seat, slipped, fell in, and drowned :( Rachel sprayed the seat with Lysol, Jordan flushed Stewie down to the sea, and we went on with our day.


At Tue Aug 08, 10:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he hit the target....

At Tue Aug 08, 11:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a little obsessed with vinyl lettering aren't we?

oh the horrors of vinyl lettering.

At Wed Aug 09, 04:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is Stewie?

At Thu Aug 10, 01:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stewie's epitathe:
"If you slip and fall
While climbing on the wall
You may meet your maker and
Need the plumber for a snaker."
You guys aren't the only poets.

At Thu Aug 10, 06:34:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

hehe, mom you're so cute :)


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