Sunday, July 30

Don't be a Dodo

Never a dull moment at work... here you can see Henry, Rachel, and one of his many buddies. He also brought in this little guy who ran across the floor making this barking noise then huddled against the wall trying not to be bothered. Henry travels around to local schools with his animals and is starting an anti-drug show. He wanted to purchase a sign with a 4 foot tall Dodo bird on it saying, "I'm a Dodo, I'm extinct, before you do drugs, stop and think, or you'll be a Dodo too!"


At Tue Aug 01, 03:23:00 PM, Blogger matt said...

That guy looks like Rob Reiner

At Wed Aug 02, 09:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. Is it a croc or a gator? Looks like it's big enough to take a toe!


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