Saturday, July 22

fun with video chat

This is my Grandmomma, checking up on us... so cute :) Video chat also helps us catch up with my parents, here dad shows off his new haircut, and mom makes some jewelry. Video chat also supplied me with the best view I've had of my diploma so far :) Hopefully Matt's parents can eventually get one, and it would be cool if our friends would too (get on that web cam purchase Houston!)


At Sat Jul 22, 11:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like seeing pictures of myself, but I do enjoy the webcam.

At Mon Jul 24, 05:39:00 PM, Blogger C. Houston Longino said...

Should be tomorrow. That's my Sam Goody day. I'll keep you posted.

At Tue Aug 01, 03:17:00 PM, Blogger matt said...

This picture looks like it would be on the back of the webcam box.


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