Wednesday, February 14

Ice Storm '07

Matt and Doc watched the news last night, hoping for snow, as usual. The weather man wasn't forecasting snow though, just lots of ice pellets. We woke up this morning to an icy yard, frozen car, and no power. Even the grass is frozen! Luckily, we can afford to take the day off and our power came back on quickly :)

Here you can see our cardinal friend chillin' on a branch, waiting for the bird feeder to thaw.


At Wed Feb 14, 04:28:00 PM, Blogger niltiac said...

The cardinal picture is amazing!

I hope these mid-Atlantic weather patterns cease soon. I had to give my neighbor $2 to borrow his shovel this morning. The snow plow pushed a foot and a half of slush behind my car.

At Wed Feb 14, 07:35:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

What kind of a neighbor is that? I'm buying you a shovel...

At Thu Feb 15, 09:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they mean sleet?

At Thu Feb 15, 12:18:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

I think they mean frozen rain, which they consider worse than sleet...


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