Monday, February 12

It's been awhile

Last week I decided to take advantage of my dental insurance and visit Dr. Livesay, see the results above. Please note the bottom two wisdom teeth, turned sideways. I'm going to the oral surgeon tomorrow to see how quickly we can get those suckers out of there. Matt also visited the dentist last week and came home cavity free :) We're still waiting for his consult to hear about the exact location of his wisdom teeth...

We were subs on NSWC's dart team last Tuesday. Matt scored many more quality points than I did, but it was still fun. Other than that we have kept busy by eating super bowl cupcakes, scanning the dog, and of course, Matt's has started back with the homework. I also discovered not only do I hate celery, but I am quite disturbed by mini-corn. Obviously I did not enjoy that Chinese dinner. During all of this excitement, Doc's fur became pretty scruffy. After a visit to PetSmart's grooming salon, he is back looking handsome.


At Wed Feb 14, 04:22:00 PM, Blogger niltiac said...

Doc looks adorable as usual, but the xrays freak me out a little!

You know which part of Chinese food I hate? Water chestnuts! They have such a weird crunchy texture.

At Thu Feb 15, 09:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The food made us hungry and we had to have Mae Wok's last night. Love you.


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