Saturday, January 6

Christmas, Christmas time was here

Matt, Doc, and I spent Christmas in Clarksville, TN with my family this year :) Traveling with Doc (freshly groomed) was quite the experience. We strapped him into his seat, and stopped very frequently. It was surely worth it though, just look how cute he is as a sidekick for our lab, Zoe. Once we arrived, my dad was eager to open presents, especially the one from us. Everyone loves an oversized canvas!

I spent most of the week laying around, but I did help Mom a little bit while she prepared our Christmas Eve feast. Grandmother kept a tight hold on Doc, while I mingled with my many new cousins. The newest additions are Callum and Mackenzie.

This was the scene at Target at 6:55 am the day after Christmas. Mom and I pushed our way to the Christmas ribbon to save for next year and managed to find some good clearance clothing items as well. I love Target. The men stayed at home and enjoyed their new pjs :)

Look at that form! Matt and I enjoyed a night out with Kayla and Lance and the newly engaged Hallie and Josh. Please take a look at the scores from our first game. Hallie and I spent the rest of the week talking about her wedding, and trying on dresses. Kayla and I are going to be two of her bridesmaids :)

We returned to Virginia for the First Night celebrations which featured the Fredericksburg Pear (shown above) and some entertainment from the local high school improv troupe, Shenanigans, Inc. I offered our assistance to them after the show, but I think they probably just thought I was crazy.


At Mon Jan 08, 03:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We loved having you guys home. The week went too quickly. Miss ya.


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