Monday, October 23

48 hours in the Real South

The Sirens (thanks Chuck) were reunited this weekend in Starkville :) Matt and I escaped the fog and made the drive, flight, and drive again to spend the weekend with our friends, and eat cheesesticks at The Grill.

This is the new MSU Bookstore. It is the proud home of the only escalator in the area, and plenty of books as well. We were also in shock to see the state of Matt's old apartment. Looks like our new coat of paint couldn't compare to the Belfry.

We spent a lot of time at Glen Hollow of course. I was happy to see a clean Apt 89 and the fridge decor. Lydia watched as Bust cooked a cow, and Matt appointed a King of 3 Man.

Saturday night, we enjoyed Houston's performance in The Madwoman of Chaillot. We also enjoyed laughing at Kary, Lily, Kristin, Mark, Will, Ian, Lindsey, Dustin and the rest of the cast :) After the play, we gathered around for another celebration via the internet. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Robinson!

P.S. It was also pointed out to me by Beth, that nothing is too little to write about on the blog, so I am going to try to write more... even if it is about people running into my buggy at the Ukrop's.


At Tue Oct 24, 12:08:00 AM, Blogger karyrogers said...

Yay! I'm glad you guys made it down. It makes me happy to see pics of you all together again.

At Tue Oct 24, 10:02:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We really liked seeing those smiles.


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