Monday, September 18

Visitation has Begun

Over Labor Day weekend, my parents came to visit :) We played with some big shells, ate a lot, shopped a little, and visited gardens & house at Monticello in Charlottesville. They also got to see my FastSigns project of the week. I missed them immediately after their departure, but I'm sure they'll be back soon... Dad has more genealogy research to do ;)

And then... last weekend, Caitlin came! We also ate a lot, but then made a deal to cut back on that. I also kicked some butt in Mexican Train Dominoes, Houston felt left out, so he kept chiming in with his "textual relations" hehe. Laura called to ask when we'd all be together again, so we decided to make a smaller triangle and hop a plane to MSU in October :)


At Tue Sep 19, 09:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're Dad and I had a great time. Thanks for the hospitality. We love Fredericksburg.
Like the glasses:)

At Tue Sep 19, 04:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very glad Caitlin got to visit. It looks wonderful there.


At Tue Sep 19, 07:01:00 PM, Blogger niltiac said...

I had so much fun visiting you guys! I especially enjoyed Mexican Train and the Cruisin' sticker subculture of Fredricksburg. :-)

At Sun Sep 24, 02:53:00 PM, Blogger laura rayburn said...

I'm trying to figure out when I can schedule my own visit. Maybe I'll come in with Frosty for the first snow?

At Mon Sep 25, 10:22:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

the sooner the better!


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