Saturday, January 6

It's getting HOT up here

We spent the afternoon down by the river at Old Mill Park. I can't believe we're in northern Virginia and it was warmer here today than it was in the Kiln! Doc is enjoying the warm weather walks for sure.

After our park visit, we spent an hour driving up and down I-95 trying to find this billboard. Tricord Homes is my favorite client, and I was happy to design this for their new golf community, Pendleton :)

Crafty Cait
Now What?
Now I Know... by Keara
Inside Mr.Karyhead
Lab Rats Comedy
Good Commitment
Christmas, Christmas time was here
Nerds go to Washington
Woo Hoo!
For my twin and her sisters
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Welcome Caitlin!
Much Belated Happy Thanksgiving
Puppy Sitters
New Addition
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