Sunday, April 22

We're All In

Doc & I dropped Matt off at a poker tournament yesterday and headed up to Reston to visit Caitlin. Somehow I managed to take zero pictures, but the best images to describe the experience are here and here. Sadly, Caitlin decided to delay the puppy purchase, but I am holding on to my puppy kit for her just in case ;) The Mexican restaurant provided plenty of entertainment, including "Queso LIVE!" Basically, you pay a dollar more to have the waitress personally mix the cheese, taco meat, sour cream, etc. together LIVE! at your table. It was worth the dollar.

Today was a typical Sunday, meaning we tackled the shopping list at Target. Matt & I have finally decided to commit to a healthy eating lifestyle. Since we moved, eating has become more entertainment than nutrition. We order out, dine out, and overall, pig out. No more of that! Our fridge is stocked with healthy items, even Diet Coke has vitamins now. Along with a cart load of food, we had a cart load of other random "necessities." Thank goodness Matt came along!

The remainder of the day was spent relaxing in our "back yard." Doc tested out his new toy, the Heave-A-Beaver while simultaneously learning what it is like being restrained to a limited area (note the red rope). Target also supplied us with a new squirrel proof bird feeder.

UPDATE [29 April]: We have outsmarted the squirrel with our purchase. See photo below.


At Mon Apr 23, 08:41:00 AM, Blogger niltiac said...

You'll have to let me know how the new Diet Coke is. I had fun this weekend!

At Mon Apr 23, 09:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you both on the healthy eating. It was such a beautiful day, glad you all enjoyed it. Love you.

At Tue Apr 24, 07:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't buy into that diet coke stuff - soda is not nutritional no matter what! (i am a biologist, believe me on this)

At Tue Apr 24, 10:20:00 PM, Blogger malloryann said...

i'm not going to stop drinking diet coke, so it doesn't hurt to add a little vitamins to it ;)

ps for caitlin... it's yummy, a lot like zero

At Sun Apr 29, 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

Ya'll are SOO funny! I love your blog! It was fun to read! LOL!


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