Monday, February 26

Prime Time

Check this out if you're in the MSU area :)

              Monday, February 19

Grow Nails Now!

I have always been a nail biter. As gross of a habit as it is, I could just never break it. That is until this year. It has been over a month and a half since I gnawed on my tips, which is well past the 21 days it takes to break a habit. This weekend I even participated in the girlie event of a manicure with Caitlin. FYI, our nails are now wine colored, not black ;)

              Thursday, February 15

Yum... Cake!

              Wednesday, February 14

Ice Storm '07

Matt and Doc watched the news last night, hoping for snow, as usual. The weather man wasn't forecasting snow though, just lots of ice pellets. We woke up this morning to an icy yard, frozen car, and no power. Even the grass is frozen! Luckily, we can afford to take the day off and our power came back on quickly :)

Here you can see our cardinal friend chillin' on a branch, waiting for the bird feeder to thaw.

              Monday, February 12

It's been awhile

Last week I decided to take advantage of my dental insurance and visit Dr. Livesay, see the results above. Please note the bottom two wisdom teeth, turned sideways. I'm going to the oral surgeon tomorrow to see how quickly we can get those suckers out of there. Matt also visited the dentist last week and came home cavity free :) We're still waiting for his consult to hear about the exact location of his wisdom teeth...

We were subs on NSWC's dart team last Tuesday. Matt scored many more quality points than I did, but it was still fun. Other than that we have kept busy by eating super bowl cupcakes, scanning the dog, and of course, Matt's has started back with the homework. I also discovered not only do I hate celery, but I am quite disturbed by mini-corn. Obviously I did not enjoy that Chinese dinner. During all of this excitement, Doc's fur became pretty scruffy. After a visit to PetSmart's grooming salon, he is back looking handsome.

Crafty Cait
Now What?
Now I Know... by Keara
Inside Mr.Karyhead
Lab Rats Comedy
Good Commitment
Caledon Natural Area
Spring Time
Where's Doc?
180 lbs of Carpet
Our Street
Little Help
Back Door View
A Place to Hang Coats
Closet Contents—Old Apt
Doc Packing Up
July 2006
August 2006

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October 2006

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