Sunday, March 25

Back to School

Time for another Lab Rats Show!

Spring has Sprung

We enjoyed an afternoon chasing Doc around the soccer field next to our apt. The weather is perfect today. The animals are also taking advantage of the warmth, check out this pesky squirrel invading our bird feeder!

              Thursday, March 15

Shorter Styles

Matt and I decided we were in need of fresh haircuts for spring...
Doc also enjoyed a trip to the groomer :)

Teeth Be Gone!

Yesterday my wisdom teeth were extracted! Dr. Reivere (who came highly acclaimed) managed to remove them in about half an hour, and I didn't feel a thing :) The first thing I remember is asking for my teeth... I wanted to make sure he took all four out! We brought them home in a little white envelope. I pretty much have just been sleeping and sipping on soup and jello. My cheeks are getting poofier by the minute, but the pain isn't that bad. Mom, Dad, Matt and Doc are taking very good care of me :)

Crafty Cait
Now What?
Now I Know... by Keara
Inside Mr.Karyhead
Lab Rats Comedy
Good Commitment
Caledon Natural Area
Spring Time
Where's Doc?
180 lbs of Carpet
Our Street
Little Help
Back Door View
A Place to Hang Coats
Closet Contents—Old Apt
Doc Packing Up
July 2006
August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

September 2007

October 2007

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

October 2008

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