Saturday, November 18

Puppy Sitters

My parents came to visit again last weekend :) It was so much fun. They also helped out a lot with the puppy... Doc does need a lot of attention! Saturday was beautiful, so we took advantage and visited Fredericksburg's Battlefield Park. The pyramid in the above photo marks Meade's penetration. We crossed the railroad tracks to check it out... shhh.

Dad loves little Doc:)

After our tour of the Battlefield, we drove to Frederick's Hall, where our ancestor's lived a few counties over. After some helpful attention, Dad and Matt deciphered some headstones. It's really neat living so close to our family land and history. Plus, I know my Dad's genealogy obsession will keep them coming to visit!

Crafty Cait
Now What?
Now I Know... by Keara
Inside Mr.Karyhead
Lab Rats Comedy
Good Commitment
Caledon Natural Area
Spring Time
Where's Doc?
180 lbs of Carpet
Our Street
Little Help
Back Door View
A Place to Hang Coats
Closet Contents—Old Apt
Doc Packing Up
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